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Bringing Solar Solutions to Power Your Life in Pakistan!



Elevate your experience with our exceptional services


Comprehensive Solar Energy, Water Treatment and IT Solutions

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Discover a range of services at E Solutions designed to meet your energy needs, water requirements, and digital presence. We provide comprehensive services backed by over 12 years of industry expertise.

  • Proactive Support
  • Innovative Solutions
  • Customer-Centric Approach

Helpful FAQ’s

Installing a solar power system can significantly reduce your electricity bills, lower your carbon footprint, and contribute to a sustainable energy future.

Our team will conduct a site assessment to analyze your energy needs and recommend the optimal solar system size based on your consumption patterns.

Net metering allows you to generate excess electricity with your solar system and feed it back into the grid, earning credits on your utility bill for the energy you contribute.

Yes, net metering is available for both residential and commercial customers, providing a fair and cost-effective way to utilize solar energy.

Our water filtration and RO plants use advanced technology to remove impurities, contaminants, and ensure the delivery of clean and safe drinking water.

You can request IT support by contacting our helpdesk through our website or designated communication channels. Our IT team will promptly address your concerns.

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